“A happy arrangement: many people prefer cats to other people, and many cats prefer people to other cats.” – Mason Cooley
Happy Friday! Here's the scoop:
FGF: How one cat's mistake changed his life (and the lives of his owners) for the better
Does your house have a cat room?
One cat owner's unique way to up-cycle cat hair
Cat color myths: busted
Did you know?
Cats have __ million scent receptors in their nasal cavity.
(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Feel Good Friday: “Zeke’s Big Mistake” Changes His Life and Others’!
A special cat named Zeke’s mistake changed his life in a big way. Zeke’s first home was a daycare center, and unfortunately one day a child yanked Zeke’s tail too roughly and Zeke nipped at them. An understandable response, but it sent Zeke to the humane society in search of a new home. It was there, months later, that Deb Shepard saw Zeke and decided to take a chance on him.
Deb and her husband traveled in their camper during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Zeke got to come along for the adventure. Zeke started exploring and even learned to take walks with a leash. Deb said “His big mistake of biting someone led to his best life,” and she decided to tell his story.
Zeke’s story was published to help raise money for the local humane society, where other cats like Zeke are waiting to find their second chances. We love that Zeke is thriving in his new home, and that Deb Shepard found a way to spread so much kindness!
How to Make a Cat Room
Have you ever heard of a “cat room”? Unsurprisingly it’s a room dedicated to the a-moew-zing cats of the house.
Cat rooms are usually a space devoted to cat trees and shelves, cat toys, and all sorts of enriching furniture and room decor. They provide much needed enrichment for house cats. If you’re looking to create a cat room at your house here’s some advice:
Pick a room - Ideally the space has both vertical and horizontal space. If you don’t have an entire room you can choose a room that has space to integrate a hybrid cat/human room.
Focus on vertical space - Cats love climbing and being the tallest in the room, so focus on adding cat shelves or cat trees.
Add activities - Scratching posts, an exercise wheel, and interactive toys are some great ideas.
Don’t forget nap spots - Cats need cozy spaces to snooze, so consider adding a cat bed and maybe even a window seat.
Don’t forget a litter box!
So what do you think, will you be adding a cat room to your house? If so, we’d love to see it! Send us pics of your cat’s humble abode to meow@dailypurrcats.com.
Image courtesy of PureWow.
Cat Fur Slippers…for a Cat?
Have you ever wondered what you could do with all the fur your cat sheds? One owner decided to test the limits and create slippers for her cat…out of its own fur!
See it to believe it.
Busting Cat Color Myths
You may or may not have heard the joke going around the internet that all orange cats share one brain cell; one popular reddit story about an orange cat named Jorts discusses orange cats being less intelligent than others. But is there any truth to certain cat breeds or colors being more or less intelligent than others?
Apparently in some animals, fur color can contribute to personality differences, but this hasn’t been proven in domestic cats. So orange cats aren’t less intelligent and tortoiseshell beauties aren’t more sassy (even though we’ve met quite a few feisty torties!). The myth of tuxedo cats being more playful is also unproven, although they certainly have good style.
Cat experts say that the biggest factors in cat personality are their upbringing and socialization - not the color of their fur! So whatever color fur your cat has, celebrate their unique personality.
Did you know?
Answer: 200 million, which is even more than some breeds of dogs!
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Email us at meow@dailypurrcats.com!