“Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want.” – Joseph Wood Krutch

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop:

  • Turns out, cinnamon buns can be more than just delicious (this cat would know)

  • An easy 3-ingredient treat, courtesy of Martha Stewart

  • Do you consider your pet your child? Research says its legit

Did you know?
When cats make an open-mouthed grimace while smelling something it's called a "flehman" - basically, they are smelling and tasting the scent simultaneously.

The kid who sold cinnamon rolls to pay for a cat’s surgery
While browsing the internet with his mom one day, nine year old Sutter Rowse saw an article about a cat who needed surgery. Hazel was a stray found in the trash who needed hip surgery and physical therapy, and the local animal shelter was hoping to raise funds for her care.

Sutter saw a cat in need and quickly decided to find a solution. So Sutter and his mom baked 180 cinnamon buns and sold them all, raising $850. Hazel was able to get her life saving surgery and even found a new home after her recovery - with Sutter! His mom surprised him by adopting Hazel, and it was a dream come true for the heroic cat lover.

Image of Hazel courtesy of CBC News.

The easiest 3 ingredient cat treats
Martha Stewart may be known for helping humans create beautiful spaces or bake delicious cakes, but she’s got a recipe for cats as well: this 3 ingredient cat treat.


  • 1 egg

  • ½ cup whole wheat flour, plus up to an extra ½ cup

  • 1 can of sardines

  • You’ll also need a rolling pin, food processor, baking sheet, parchment paper, and mini cookie cutters (if you have them).


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

  • Puree the can of sardines (the oil included), then add the rest of the ingredients. Add a bit of extra flour if you need to make sure the dough begins to form a ball.

  • Roll the dough out on a floured surface with a rolling pin to about ¼ inch thickness. Cut the treats into small shapes or use the mini cookie cutter.

  • Place the treats on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and cook for 12 to 15 minutes.

Once cooled, store these in an airtight container for up to a week - although we’re not sure your cat will leave any behind!

Image courtesy of MarthaStewart.com.

The rise in child-free pet parenthood
There are more and more ways for cat parents to enrich the lives of their cats; interactive toys, outdoor cat tents, cat leashes for walks, and even cat strollers. More and more people are investing money into the lives of their pets - almost as if people are really parenting them, and not human children.

There are in fact more people today choosing to be child free, thanks to having more choices as to how we live our lives as well as changing societal norms. This has led many to choose a pet instead of a child, for various reasons. A study on 28 child-free (by choice) pet owners found that many considered themselves pet parents, but not in the sense of using an animal to replace a child.

Other research showed that pet parents see their animals as emotional thinking individuals, and find their need to nurture fulfilled entirely by owning a pet. It has been shown that humans are naturally wired to help care for offspring that aren't our own, called “alloparenting;” the author hypothesizes that this can extend to our pets today.

A survey of 917 pet owners showed that child-free pet owners reported higher levels of attachment with their animal, as well as using family terms for them. This supports the authors hypothesis that some people really are parenting their pets. Research is still ongoing but it supports the fact that you really may be the parent of your cat - what do you think?

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