“Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.” – W. L. George
Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop:
This semi-scary lost kitten story has an absolutely heartwarming ending
Watch today's Cat(s) of the Day
The hilarious solution a shelter came up with to help raise donation dollars
The 4 zodiac signs that are 100% cat people
Did you know?
The record for the world's longest cat is ___inches.
(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Cat saved from car engine adopted by mechanic
Have you ever heard an engine literally purr? Jackie Sanderson was driving her daughter to school when she started hearing a funny noise coming from her car engine area. Turns out what she thought was the sound of the radio was, upon further inspection, actually the tiny meows of a small kitten! Sanderson immediately pulled over and tried to retrieve the kitten, but even with help from a police officer who joined the rescue attempt, she was unsuccessful.
Sanderson decided her best shot at rescuing the kitten would be with the help of professionals, so she slowly made her way to a local garage, where mechanic Kevin Howell pulled the small meowing kitten out of the car’s engine. Howell immediately fell in love with the kitten, who he adopted and named Gabby.
While Gabby’s story ended well, use it as a reminder to make a little extra noise or let your car idle a little longer on a cold morning, so that other cats or kittens searching for warmth have time to find a new hiding spot.
We’re glad Gabby found love in the arms of her hero!
Image of Gabby courtesy of yahoo.
Cat(s) of the Day: Mejoo and Cats
Our Cat(s) of the Day today are Mejoo and Cats, a popular YouTube channel. Mejoo and Cats is run by a Korean couple who have four cats: Monji (Russian Blue), Bongji (Siamese), Hyuji (tuxedo and Russian Blue Mix), and Yoji (a munchkin cat!). These clever cats regularly take baths, get their teeth brushed, inspect new toys and accessories, and let their curiosity take over!
We love watching these four brothers share their daily lives with us, from inspecting the installation of new cat friendly furniture to getting to know family or friends. So settle in with your cat and check out some of the hilarious adventures of Mejoo and Cats.
P.S. Want your cat to be featured as our Cat of the Day? Send an email to meow@dailypurrcats.com, DM us on Instagram, or reply to this email! Include their name and anything you love about them (we know, we know, what’s not to love?!).
Bad pet drawings
When a shelter was in need, they came up with a creative way to raise funds; people donated a few dollars and in exchange, animal shelter workers drew “bad” drawings of their pets.
Check out the hilarious drawings here.
4 Zodiac signs that are 100% cat people
A study from the University of Texas revealed that cat people are generally more “creative, philosophical, or nontraditional.” They also usually prefer pets that are low maintenance or independent. So which zodiac signs match these traits, and are you one of them?
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, and surprisingly, cats are too (yes, pets have ruling planets!). Interestingly, Saturn is the planet of responsibilities and self control, so what a better match for an animal that loves setting boundaries?
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Aquarius is the sign most similar to a cat’s personality: eccentric, a bit distant, and careful with their affection. However, just like a cat, when an aquarian has decided they love you, they like to show it.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Of course Leo’s name is quite catlike, but this pair is more of an “opposites attract” situation. Leos are bright and sunny (like the star that rules them) while a cat’s quieter personality keeps Leos humble.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Often thought of as the most chill zodiac sign, Pisces are a perfect match for a pet that loves naps. More than that though, Pisces are known for placing value in self care, and this extends to their cats; Pisces give their cats the best of the best.
We happen to know quite a few cat people who match these zodiac signs - what do you think, does this list seem accurate?
Did you know?
Answer: 48.5 inches!
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