March 12, 2024

🐈 A cat lover's extravaganza


"My cat is not insane, she's just a really good actress." 
- P.C. Cast

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop: 
True or False?
The record for largest litter of kittens born belongs to a Tonkinese cat. The mama cat had a litter of 19 babies.

Find the answer below!
An International Affair
A meow-nificent gathering of over 250 furry feline superstars descended upon Spalding, England, turning the town into the ultimate cat lover's paradise. It was the town’s third international cat show, and it had everything a cat enthusiast could dream of. From majestic Maine Coons to sassy Siamese, cats of all shapes, sizes, and personalities took over the Springfields Events Centre, ready to steal the spotlight.

But it wasn't just about the fluff and the whiskers. Behind the scenes, organizer extraordinaire Stephen Winmin made sure every whisker was in place for the purr-fect show. With a panel of five eagle-eyed judges on the prowl, every cat strutted its stuff, flaunting its unique charm and athleticism on the catwalk. And while the competition was fierce, it wasn't all about winning ribbons. It was also a chance for fellow cat lovers to come together, swap tales of feline antics, and bask in the glorious quirks of our whiskered companions. So here's to celebrating the diversity and downright adorableness of our four-legged friends, one paw-some cat show at a time.
Cooking Salmon for Cats
We all know that cats have a soft spot for fish, but it’s important to make sure we're serving it correctly. Here are some purr-fectly simple and cat-friendly cooking methods to get that salmon ready for your furball's feast.

  • Fresh or frozen salmon
  • Cat-friendly herbs such as catnip or parsley
To Bake:
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Season salmon with cat-friendly herbs if desired.
  3. Place the salmon on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the salmon flakes easily with a fork.
  5. Allow the salmon to cool before serving.
To Steam:
  1. Place the salmon in a steamer basket.
  2. Steam for about 10-15 minutes or until the salmon is cooked through.
  3. Allow the salmon to cool before serving to your feline friend.
How You Can Protect Against Fleas

Did you Know?

  • Only 5% of flea infestations consist of adult fleas? That means 95% of the average infestation is made up of immature fleas like flea eggs, larvae, and pupae.
  • Fleas can transmit life-threatening illnesses and can be active all year round, depending on where you live!
  • Fleas jump on animals to feed on their blood, causing itching, discomfort, and potentially transmitting diseases.
Fleas are prolific breeders, and an untreated infestation can quickly spread through your home, impacting your family members as well. Fleas can also bite humans, causing itchy red bumps. This is why it’s important to use Capstar, a fast, effective flea treatment that's available over the counter – no RX prescription needed! With one dose of Capstar, you can watch the dead fleas fall off your pet in just 30 minutes.

Learn more about Capstar here!
Thanks to Capstar for sponsoring The Daily Purr!
How to Show Your Cat
If you're thinking of dipping your toes into the glamorous world of competitive catting, there are a few things you should know. Unlike dog shows where handlers strut their stuff beside their canine companions, cat shows are more laid-back affairs. Cat handlers get to hang out in the crowd, leaving the spotlight all to our fabulous feline friends.

Some cats thrive in the limelight, while others might prefer to stay home and lounge. So, before you dive headfirst into the world of cat shows, make sure your furball is mentally and physically ready for the spotlight. That means plenty of grooming sessions to make them shine and get them used to being handled by strangers. And if you're not quite ready to take the plunge, that's okay too – you can always check out a show as a spectator first. So, grab your kitty, brush up on those grooming skills, and who knows? Your feline friend just might take home that coveted Grand Champion title.
Final Thoughts
This season, make sure your furry friends are protected against fleas with Capstar- the fast, effective flea treatment that's available over the counter! Learn more here.
Bite-Sized Treats:
  • True or False:  True. The average litter size is five kittens.
  •  COTD: Give your purr-fect pet the spotlight by submitting them for the cat of the day! This month's theme is cats in the springtime. This could be anything from your cat playing outside, to your feline friend sporting some spring-inspired gear. Send in your best pics of your cat with a short description and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
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