March 27, 2024

🐈 A musical cat-astrophe


“One day I was counting the cats and I absent-mindedly counted myself.”
― Bobbie Ann Mason, Shiloh and Other Stories

Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know?
Cornish rex cats are sometimes called "marcel cats," because ____________.

Find the answer below!
The Cats Are Still Not Impressed
Ed Sheeran's adventure at a cat cafe in Japan turned out to be more of a catastrophe than a concert. Returning to the scene of his previous failed feline performance, Sheeran attempted to win over the same uninterested cats with his musical prowess once more. However, as soon as he struck the first chord, the cats scattered faster than you can say "meow," ditching their grub to avoid the tunes, leaving Sheeran to serenade an empty room.

Sharing the hilariously unsuccessful encounter on Instagram, Sheeran couldn't help but poke fun at his inability to charm the elusive kitties, even after a decade. With a shrug and a chuckle, Sheeran playfully lamented his lack of progress in the realm of feline fandom, proving that even global superstars have their limits when it comes to winning over picky audiences. The video wraps up with the cafe cats giving Sheeran the cold shoulder as if waiting for him to hit the pause button on his impromptu concert.

Thankfully, Sheeran's cat-charming skills aren't entirely in the litter box. In a sweet social media post, the singer managed to cozy up to Taylor Swift's famed feline friend, Meredith Grey. The adorable snapshot of Sheeran and Meredith snuggled up together earned him a round of applause from fans, showing that sometimes, even if the cats don't listen to your tunes, they'll still let you crash their nap time.
Cat of the Day: Ween
Meet Ween, the fabulous feline fashionista whose style is as captivating as her personality. Named after her Halloween adoption, Ween charms everyone she meets with her impeccable fashion sense and irresistible charm. 
Image courtesy of Renni T.
Tips and Tricks to Check Your Pet For Fleas and Ticks

Small but dangerous ticks can attach to pets, even indoor ones, via human clothing or contact with other animals. Daily checks are essential for all pets. Start at the head, examining whiskers, nose, and ears, then move to the body, belly, back, paws, and tail. Feel for bumps indicating ticks, which can be black, brown, or grayish.

Fleas are prolific breeders, and an untreated infestation can quickly spread through your home, impacting your family members as well.

It’s essential to prevent fleas and ticks through vet-recommended products like Nextstar Flea and Tick Topical, which are suited to your pet's age and weight. NextStar provides 7-way pest protection against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, chewing lice, flea eggs, flea larvae, and prevents the development of flea pupae. With one monthly dose, NextStar helps break the flea lifecycle to prevent fleas from multiplying on your pet and protects them from tick-borne diseases.

Thanks to Nextstar for sponsoring The Daily Purr.
Do Cats Get FOMO?
Ever feel like your cat is a relentless shadow, following your every move and demanding attention at every turn? You're not alone. From barging into bathrooms to sitting on laptop keyboards, our feline friends seem to suffer from a severe case of FOMO - Fear of Missing Out. But while we may chuckle at their antics, the truth behind their behavior is a bit more complex than simply wanting to be where the action is.

According to the experts in feline psychology, cats' insistence on being our constant companions stems from their innate curiosity and survival instincts. Closed doors, for instance, trigger their primal need to assess the situation - you know, just in case there's a rogue mouse or a lurking vacuum cleaner waiting to strike. So next time your cat barges into the bathroom uninvited, just remember, they're not invading your privacy; they're conducting a security sweep - or so they'd like us to believe.

But amidst their quest for world domination, boredom often lurks in the shadows of our living rooms. Despite their cushy lives as our esteemed overlords, many cats secretly yearn for more mental and physical stimulation. This boredom manifests in attention-seeking behaviors like incessant meowing and scratching. By dedicating a few minutes each day to interactive play and providing environmental enrichment like food puzzles and climbing structures, we can keep our feline rulers entertained and content. After all, a happy cat means fewer interruptions during your next Zoom meeting.
Final Thoughts
It's crucial to protect our pets from fleas and ticks. Nextstar Flea and Tick Topical provides 7-way pest protection to help break the flea lifecycle. Learn more about how Nextstar can protect your pets here.
Bite-Sized Treats:
  • Did You Know: The wave in their fur resembles the "marcel wave" hairstyle that was popular with flappers in the 1920s.
  •  COTD: Give your purr-fect pet the spotlight by submitting them for the cat of the day! This month's theme is cats in the springtime. This could be anything from your cat playing outside to your feline friend sporting some spring-inspired gear. Send in your best pics of your cat with a short description and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
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